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Global Journal of Civil Engineering (Glob.j.civ.eng.) provides a forum for presentations of peer-reviewed papers from a Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE). It is a depository of GVCCE articles and research papers starting its first conference in 2016. It is also the Department of Civil Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology Postgraduate thesis and dissertation depository. It is also a depository of articles, and other studies within the track and directly submitted to the Journal. The scope of the journal covers any combination of theoretical, experimental, and computational approaches to advance the profession of Civil Engineering in both theory and practice. It includes but is not limited to the following areas of specialization in Civil Engineering such as:
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Issue 1-Vol 1
Enhanced Rock Oyster Mound as Breakwater System
12 Pages Posted: 17 Jan 2018
Ronald Orale
Samar State University
Jesus Racuyal
Samar State University
Date Written: December 28, 2017
The existing rock mound technology specifically those erected for rock oysters (saccustrea cucullata) posed several problems such as growth efficiency, water circulation, sediment accumulation, and durability against waves. This paper investigated on a laboratory scale using a physical model of a coastal zone. About 141 test runs were made to measure and observe the resilience, wave-breaking ability, sediment transport, and water circulation of five different rock mound shapes and set-ups/arrangements. Data showed that the droplet and the diamond shape arranged in a staggered formation was the optimum design. The droplet shape provided a more cost-effective design as a rock oyster mound and as a breakwater set-up. Validation of the design in an actual environment is recommended.
Keywords: rock mounds, coastal protection, sisi, sacostrea cucullata, mariculture
Suggested Citation:
Orale, Ronald and Racuyal, Jesus, Enhanced Rock Oyster Mounds As Breakwater System (December 28, 2017). Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2016, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3087108 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3087108
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3087108 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3087108
An Application of TBEC-2018 in the Prediction of Retaining Wall Dimensions with Simple Regression Analysis
Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2020
11 Pages Posted: 24 Nov 2020
Z. Akbay Arama
Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa
Hazal Berrak Gençdal
Istanbul Kultur University
Date Written: November 12, 2020
Retaining walls are common engineering structures that are built to resist the lateral earth pressures generally caused by the excavations. It has always been a suspicious subject for engineers to design the retaining walls under dynamic loads. In this context, In Turkey, the Turkish Building Earthquake Code 2018 (TBEC-2018) is developed to perform more sensitive analyses to increase the welfare and security of society, depending on structural safety. TBEC-2018 has also mentioned the design of the reinforced concrete retaining walls (RCRW) under seismic loads at the 16th section. The design of the RCRW walls is performed in this study, according to TBEC. It is considering the change of the excavation depth, the shear strength angle of the soil and the unit weight of the soil, the surcharge load. The change of the dimensions has been investigated and conducted simple regression analyses to obtain design expressions based on the change of mentioned variants.
Keywords: Turkish Earthquake Building Code, Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls, Earthquake Resistant Design
Suggested Citation:
Akbay Arama, Zulal and Dalyan, İlknur and Akın, M. Selahaddin and Gençdal, Hazal Berrak, An Application of TBEC-2018 in the Prediction of Retaining Wall Dimensions with Simple Regression Analysis (November 12, 2020). Global Journal in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2020, Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2020, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3734163
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3734163
Axial Tensile Strength Analysis of Naturally Treated Bamboo As Possible Replacement of Steel Reinforcement in the Concrete Beam
9 Pages Posted: 16 Jan 2018
Teodoro Jr. Amatosa
Northwest Samar State University - College of Engineering and Technology
Michael Loretero
Universidad de San Carlo de Guatemala - School of Engineering
Date Written: December 6, 2017
This paper was undertaken to evaluate Giant bamboo (Dendrocalamus Asper) which is an abundant natural resource that can be considered as an alternative for construction materials for reinforcement to compensate for the low tensile property of the concrete. Considering the cost, even though steel reinforcement is a very suitable material for complementing concrete’s low tensile strength, bamboo products enter the diverse worldwide markets, and the value of these natural resources stands to grow. Bamboo and steel are structural materials with different engineering qualities used for the construction of buildings and other engineering construction-related purposes. To overcome these problems, the full socio-economic potential of bamboo is yet to be realized as an alternative materials to substitute the reinforcing bar in concrete for less important structures by investigating the tensile properties of this type of natural reinforcement. To evaluate these properties, 5 each bamboo were tested in natural preservation submerged in fresh water and salt water for 7 days and 28 days cycles for the internode and node section in which a tension test was conducted on the bamboo specimen following the ASTM standards. From this test, the average ultimate tensile strength is approximately 211.18 MPa in the specimens without nodes for 7 days soaked in salt water and 138.97 MPa in the specimens with nodes soaked in fresh water for 28 days. Finally, 7 cycles of wetting and drying in a solution of salt-water treated did not increase the bamboo tensile strength neither the Young’s Modulus, therefore, the study concludes that due to the minimal breaking force (FB) of bamboo, it cannot be employed as a main structural member in buildings and other heavy engineering works but can be used for partition walls, ceilings, roofs and other areas of lightweight engineering construction that is not heavy loadbearing capacity.
Keywords: Construction Materials, Dendrocalamus Asper Bamboo, Mechanical Properties, Natural Preservation, Ultimate Tensile Strength
Suggested Citation:
Amatosa, Teodoro Jr. and Loretero, Michael, Axial Tensile Strength Analysis of Naturally Treated Bamboo As Possible Replacement of Steel Reinforcement in the Concrete Beam (December 6, 2017). Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2016, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3083832 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3083832
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Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3083832 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3083832
Flood for Hazard Assessment of Gandara River: Input to Flood Control Program
11 Pages Posted: 13 Dec 2017
Lady Ann Fabillar
Samar State University
Felisa Gomba
Samar State University
Date Written: May 25, 2017
The flooding problem in San Jorge Samar may be solved through an effective implementation of flood control program. As such, the primary purpose of this study is to estimate the potential parameters of flood occurrence of the Gandara River along San Jorge channel through its topography, hydrological characteristics and siltation manifestation. As part of an assessment process, this study also defines the existing practice of flood control initiatives, evaluate and eventually propose a flood control program. As guided by the DPWH Flood Control Planning Manual, assessment and computation of the needed parameters in planning and design of flood control program was processed through HEC-HMS (Hydrological Engineering Center–Hydrologic Modeling System) software. Findings suggest San Jorge urban areas, as well as portions of its adjacent barangays as depicted in topography, is surrounded by significant upland and rolling area. Gandara River Basin at San Jorge channel is considered a flood prone. As to some hydrological characteristics contributory to a flooding event, at extreme precipitation, the resulting floodplain adjacent to the river channel covers a total 4,315,568 square meters, inundating big portion of mostly a commercial, educational and agricultural area. Peak discharge is 1474 cubic meters per second, that produces a flood depth that reached up to about 7 meters which are significantly high. Sedimentation or siltation is also contributory to flooding events in the area, As there is no concrete strategy of flood control yet, flooding event remains a devastating phenomenon annually. Hence, it is imperative to establish a mitigating if not a control measures for Gandara River at San Jorge, Samar, Philippines. Presented in the last part of this study is a proposal for Flood Control Program for Gandara River as a recommendation to the local government of San Jorge, Samar, Philippines.
Keywords: Hazard, Hydrologic Modelling, Flood Control Program, Topography, River, Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change and Growth
Suggested Citation:
Fabillar, Lady Ann and Gomba, Felisa, Flood for Hazard Assessment of Gandara River: Input to Flood Control Program (May 25, 2017). Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2016, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3085386 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3085386
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3085386 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3085386
Strengthening Rabaul Volcanic Ash (RVA) Cement Compressisbility with the Addition of Lime
6 Pages Posted: 11 Dec 2017
Mirzi Betasolo
Papua New Guinea university of Technology
Allan Dromenge
National Airports Corporation - Civil Aviation Development Investment Programme
Date Written: February 19, 2017
With the rise in population in Pakistan, the number of vehicles is also increasing, these increasing numbers of vehicles cause problems for existing road structures in terms of distress, failures, and the environment in terms of pollutant gases and landfills. The purpose of this study is to cater to both the problems, i.e., structural and environmental. The study covers the use of crumb rubber which is obtained from waste rubber tires of vehicles, in bitumen Grade 60/70 of Attock oil refinery, so that the properties of bitumen can be enhanced. Crumb rubber was ground and mixed in bitumen at different percentages for testing the softening point, Ductility, penetration, and flash and fire point. Results indicated that the addition of crumb rubber enhanced different properties i.e. reduced penetration, increased softening point and flash and fire point, and reduced ductility.
Keywords: distresses, crumb rubber, flash point
Suggested Citation:
Betasolo, Mirzi and Dromenge, Allan, Strengthening Rabaul Volcanic Ash (RVA) Cement Compressibility with the Addition of Lime (February 19, 2017). Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2016, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2971147
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2971147
A Comparative Evaluation of the Structural Performance of Papua New Guinea River Gravel Using the Repeat Load Triaxial (RLT) - a Performance - Based Test
8 Pages Posted: 12 Dec 2017
Maling Ambranga
Department of Works
Rod Fincham
Mirzi Betasolo
Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Date Written: February 19, 2017
Roads in Papua New Guinea (PNG) do not appear to perform to design expectations. Premature pavement failure followed by rapid deterioration seems to be the current trend in PNG’s road systems. Most roads in PNG are built using river gravel as unbound granular material (UGM) for pavement. The use of river gravels is believed to be one of the causes of early pavement failure in PNG even though it complies with the current specifications. The present method of characterizing the unbound granular pavement base materials which are the most critical component of the pavement layer is inadequate. The current empirical characterization and specification of pavement materials are ineffective in that the tests employed do not take into account the real in-service performance of the pavement under cyclic traffic loading. Recent developments and advancements in pavement engineering have revealed that the relevant materials’ characteristic parameters should undergo testing through more representative performance-based tests. These new tests offer more insight into the physical behavior for fair characterization by simulating the in-service conditions of the pavement materials under cyclic traffic loadings. In this study, four samples of common PNG base course materials including river gravel were tested in New Zealand using the Repeat Load Triaxial (RLT) testing apparatus (a performance-based test). The results showed that the river gravels were extremely moisture-sensitive compared to coronous and limestone. Thus, the study concluded that the use of River Gravel as UGM is one of the leading causes of premature pavement failure that contributes to poor road performances in PNG.
Keywords: Unbound, Granular Materials, Pavement, Base Materials, Performance-Based Tests
Suggested Citation:
Ambranga, Maling and Fincham, Rod and Betasolo, Mirzi, A Comparative Evaluation of the Structural Performance of Papua New Guinea River Gravel Using the Repeat Load Triaxial (RLT)- a Performance-Based Test (February 19, 2017). Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2016, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3084408
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3084408
Polypropylene Fiber (Disposable Plastic Cups) Reinforced Autoclaved Concrete
5 Pages Posted: 30 Jan 2018
Mirzi Betasolo
Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Anna Lageo
Papua New Guinea (PNG) University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Students
William Kasai
Papua New Guinea (PNG) University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Students
Relvie Kathoa
Papua New Guinea (PNG) University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Students
William Kipit
Papua New Guinea (PNG) University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Students
Samson Kueyak
Papua New Guinea (PNG) University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Students
Date Written: December 10, 2017
The fast-food chain has brought several innovations in food holders including plastic cups and other food packaging made from polypropylene. It is extruded into many plastic products because of its toughness, flexibility, lightweight, and heat resistance built up by the polymerization of propylene. Due to its convenience and lightweight, it adds to the vast accumulation of wastes thrown into a temporary dumpsite of the Papua New Guinea University of Technology (PNGUOT) located adjacent to the PNGUOT Forest Habitat. It also adds to the large numbers of waste burned on the University premises. The method of utilization of this essential and most common type of product in many households, offices, and mess halls, is to recycle it by making it as a fiber reinforcement to concrete. Polypropylene can withstand heat up to 160oC and the curing used for the polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete is by autoclave, a high steam electric machine at 121oC at a constant pressure of 220 KPa. The result shows that the polypropylene fiber has a sound reinforcement effect on concrete and has a compressive strength that of lightweight concrete.
Keywords: Polypropylene, Autoclaved Concrete, Lightweight Concrete, Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Suggested Citation:
Betasolo, Mirzi and Lageo, Anna and Kasai, William and Kathoa, Relvie and Kipit, William and Kueyak, Samson, Polypropylene Fiber (Disposable Plastic Cups) Reinforced Autoclaved Concrete (December 10, 2017). Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2016, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3085379
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3085379
Issue 1-Vol 2
Effect of Crumb Rubber on Properties of Bitumen of Grade 60/70 dentification of Landslides Zone by Spatial Based Mapping and Plaxis Modeling
6 Pages Posted: 17 Feb 2018
Hasnain Gardezi
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
Arshad Hussain
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
Date Written: January 24, 2018
With the rise in population in Pakistan, the number of vehicles is also increasing, these increasing numbers of vehicles cause problems for existing road structures in terms of distress, failures, and the environment in terms of pollutant gases and landfills. The purpose of this study is to cater to both the problems, i.e., structural and environmental. The study covers the use of crumb rubber which is obtained from waste rubber tires of vehicles, in bitumen Grade 60/70 of Attock oil refinery, so that the properties of bitumen can be enhanced. Crumb rubber was ground and mixed in bitumen at different percentages for testing the softening point, Ductility, penetration, and flash and fire point. Results indicated that the addition of crumb rubber enhanced different properties i.e. reduced penetration, increased softening point and flash and fire point, and reduced ductility.
Keywords: distresses, crumb rubber, flash point
Suggested Citation:
Gardezi, Hasnain and Hussain, Arshad, Effect of Crumb Rubber on Properties of Bitumen of Grade 60/70 (January 24, 2018). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3108429 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3108429
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3108429 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3108429
Identification of Landslides Zone by Spatial Based Mapping and Plaxis Modeling
Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering under Innovation (GVCCE) 2017
7 Pages Posted: 1 Feb 2018
Soewignjo Nugroho
University of Riau
Muhamad Yusa
University of Riau
Andarsin Ongko
University of Riau
Date Written: December 13, 2017
Landslides are the natural disaster where a mass of soil/rock slides down from the higher to the lower place under the influence of gravity and water. This accident has caused a lot of victims. Therefore, an earlier estimation is needed in order to identify which spots/locations are vulnerable to this disaster. One of the ways to identify those spots i.e. by mapping. In this research, the mapping was done by utilizing the spatial-based technology i.e. the Drone technology to record the location's image which vulnerable to be devastated by this disaster. From the mapping results, an image of the slope will be obtained. This image is next to be plotted and modeled manually by using Plaxis Software. Then, the modeling results will be analyzed especially when the slope was having some failures. Aside from analyzing with Plaxis, the slope failures are also influenced by the mechanical and physical properties of soil. Therefore, laboratory tests were necessary. Laboratory tests were purposed to obtain the physical and mechanical properties of soil. The final analysis result by using Plaxis was the safety factor from those chosen spots.
Keywords: Landslides, Spatial-based Technology, Plaxis Software, Safety Factor
Suggested Citation:
Nugr, Soewignjo and Yusa, Muhamad and Ongko, Andarsin, Identification of Landslides Zone by Spatial Based Mapping and Plaxis Modeling (December 13, 2017). Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering under Innovation (GVCCE) 2017, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3108400
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3108400
Identification of Landslides Zone by Spatial Based Mapping and Plaxis Modeling
Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering under Innovation (GVCCE) 2017
7 Pages Posted: 1 Feb 2018
Soewignjo Nugroho
University of Riau
Muhamad Yusa
University of Riau
Andarsin Ongko
University of Riau
Date Written: December 13, 2017
Landslides are the natural disaster where a mass of soil/rock slides down from the higher to the lower place under the influence of gravity and water. This accident has caused a lot of victims. Therefore, an earlier estimation is needed in order to identify which spots/locations are vulnerable to this disaster. One of the ways to identify those spots i.e. by mapping. In this research, the mapping was done by utilizing the spatial-based technology i.e. the Drone technology to record the location's image which vulnerable to be devastated by this disaster. From the mapping results, an image of the slope will be obtained. This image is next to be plotted and modeled manually by using Plaxis Software. Then, the modeling results will be analyzed especially when the slope was having some failures. Aside from analyzing with Plaxis, the slope failures are also influenced by the mechanical and physical properties of soil. Therefore, laboratory tests were necessary. Laboratory tests were purposed to obtain the physical and mechanical properties of soil. The final analysis result by using Plaxis was the safety factor from those chosen spots.
Keywords: Landslides, Spatial-based Technology, Plaxis Software, Safety Factor
Suggested Citation:
Nugr, Soewignjo and Yusa, Muhamad and Ongko, Andarsin, Identification of Landslides Zone by Spatial Based Mapping and Plaxis Modeling (December 13, 2017). Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering under Innovation (GVCCE) 2017, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3108400
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3108400
Issue 1-Vol 3
Modelling Design Hydrograph for Small Catchment: A Case of Rupinaro River
12 Pages Posted: 27 Jun 2019
Elena Carcano
Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Date Written: June 20, 2019
In order to evaluate different design assumptions, able to mitigate hydrological risk and protect the town of Chiavari (located in the north eastern part of Liguria region, Italy) from flood events of Rupinaro river, a detailed analysis of the temporal development of floods needs to be carried out. This work compares the volume in the stilling catchment to the total volume of flood starting from accurate hydrographs of flood events and rate of assigned return period. As a matter of fact, the general tendency of engineers and public administration is to adopt excessively conservative conditions which, decisively far from being real, end up discouraging and impeding projects. This work aims to provide reliable flood hydrographs associated to given return periods for the ungauged catchment of Rupinaro river, those hydrographs are necessary to design millwork dams.
Keywords: catchment, hydrological risk, mitigation, flood protection, water resources, watershed
Suggested Citation:
Carcano, Elena, Modelling Design Hydrograph for Small Catchment: A Case of Rupinaro River (June 20, 2019). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3106000 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3106000
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3106000 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3106000
Application of Queuing Model in a Banking Service in PNG
11 Pages Posted: 27 Jun 2019
Brian Billy
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Joe Paru
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Lui Masti
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Herod Malo
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Mirzi Betasolo
Papua New Guinea university of Technology
Date Written: January 24, 2018
Queuing is a common sight in the service industry such as bank transactions of employees receiving their wages at the end of a fortnight and other customers working in private or sector. Customers and service providers place differing values of the time. Those who have access to privileges with a fee passes the queue while those who can't remain in the line. The paradigm shift in technology and ICT has created a new brand of society that considers queuing as a thing of the past. The use of mobile fund transfer or online banking relieves the challenges. The paper uses the method Queuing model or waiting for line model which is the one mathematical model used to study and analyze long queues in the service industries. This paper will demonstrate how well queuing models can be used to analyze and understand the behavior of the queues particular in the banking industry using the QM for Windows software. The result shows a better understanding of how time is valued and is discussed in the paper presentation.
Keywords: queuing, quantitative methods, waiting line, queuing model, QM for windows, online banking, mobile banking, banking system, Papua New Guinea
Suggested Citation:
Billy, Brian and Paru, Joe and Masti, Lui and Malo, Herod and Betasolo, Mirzi, Application of Queuing Model in a Banking Service in PNG (January 24, 2018). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3108466 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3108466
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3108466 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3108466
Factors Affecting Road Condition Over Time - In Particular the Use of River Gravel
9 Pages Posted: 6 Nov 2019
Rod Fincham
Date Written: November 28, 2017
This presentation will not be of a highly technical nature. More of a story about the subject, with one or two technical references thrown in, which can be consulted at a later time. There is ample reference material available on most of the topics covered, either in technical journals or on the internet. Reference material on the performance of river gravel is scant, however. Particular references will be provided for this.
Keywords: river gravel, road condition, transport system, road failure, road maintenance
Suggested Citation:
Fincham, Rod, Factors Affecting Road Condition Over Time – In Particular the Use of River Gravel (November 28, 2017). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3119042 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3119042
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3119042 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3119042
Six Sigma Methodologies and Kaizen Project Deployment: A Strategic Development for Operational Excellence Through Process Innovation
40 Pages Posted: 26 Jun 2019
Daniel Jr. Dasig
University of Makati
Date Written: February 14, 2018
The changing demands and challenging landscape of today's global economy have reshaped sectors of the economy and transform organizations. This transformation welcomes industries to develop its business acumen, invest in business process improvement and re-engineer its processes design and improved its portfolio. This paper presents a service management industry Kaizen Project deployment using a Lean Six Sigma Methodologies as a strategic move towards operational excellence. The researcher employed the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) approach to advance the project pre-implementation, deployment, and its impact assessment. The project had a positive improvement on the service processes, portfolio management improvement, championed Lean Six Sigma best practices, improved company and department Service Level Agreement, and business performance. The Knowledge Management System and re-engineered service design was deployed and economically provided significance to the company. Further, deployment of the similar project to a larger institution and empirical investigation is encouraged.
Keywords: kaizen project, lean principle, innovation management, process innovation, business performance
Suggested Citation:
Dasig, Daniel Jr., Six Sigma Methodologies and Kaizen Project Deployment: A Strategic Development for Operational Excellence Through Process Innovation (February 14, 2018). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3123593 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3123593
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3123593 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3123593
PublicTransportaiton Improvement in PNG - A Case Study of Lae City
16 Pages Posted: 4 Jul 2019
Zahid Sultan
Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Joshua Bomoteng
Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Mostyn Piko Philemon
Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Anthony Yalehen
Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Date Written: June 13, 2019
The issues surrounding public transportation is one that has been a growing concern in Papua New Guinea (PNG) over the years. Especially for the city of Lae, which is the country's largest industrial hub and cargo port and the second biggest city has been experiencing increased rates of urban drifting. The population influx has created an increased demand in public transportation services. Despite the rising demands, very little attention and effort have been given towards improving public transportation services and facilities. Based on observations and firsthand experience gained from the current transportation system, this paper brings forward problems and issues accompanying Lae City public transport system. Key variables related to public transport such as efficiency, safety, reliability and affordability are evaluated by implying a revealed preference survey. Final evidence based recommendation is suggested for the improvement of the situation.
Keywords: Public Transport, Efficiency, Safety, Reliability, Affordability, PNG
Suggested Citation:
Sultan, Zahid and Bomoteng, Joshua and Philemon, Mostyn Piko and Yalehen, Anthony, Public Transportation Improvement in PNG - A Case Study of Lae City (June 13, 2019). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3137404 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3137404
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3137404 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3137404
Issue 1-Vol 4
An Applicaiton of TBEC-2018 in the Prediction of Retaining Wall Dimensions with Simple Regression Analysis
Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2020
9 Pages Posted: 24 Nov 2020 Last revised: 5 Jan 2021
Z. Akbay Arama
Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa
İlknur Dalyan
Turkish Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management Precidency
M. Selahaddin Akın
Kartal Municipality
Hazal Berrak Gençdal
Istanbul Kultur University
Date Written: November 12, 2020
Retaining walls are common engineering structures that are built to resist the lateral earth pressures generally caused by the excavations. It has always been a suspicious subject for engineers to design the retaining walls under dynamic loads. In this context, In Turkey, the Turkish Building Earthquake Code 2018 (TBEC-2018) is developed to perform more sensitive analyses to increase the welfare and security of society, depending on structural safety. TBEC-2018 has also mentioned the design of the reinforced concrete retaining walls (RCRW) under seismic loads at the 16th section. The design of the RCRW walls is performed in this study, according to TBEC. It is considering the change of the excavation depth, the shear strength angle of the soil and the unit weight of the soil, the surcharge load. The change of the dimensions has been investigated and conducted simple regression analyses to obtain design expressions based on the change of mentioned variants.
Keywords: Turkish Earthquake Building Code, Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls, Earthquake Resistant Design
Suggested Citation:
Akbay Arama, Zulal and Dalyan, İlknur and Akın, M. Selahaddin and Gençdal, Hazal Berrak, An Application of TBEC-2018 in the Prediction of Retaining Wall Dimensions with Simple Regression Analysis (November 12, 2020). Global Journal in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2020, Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2020, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3734163
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Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3734163
The Usage of Different Drying Temperatures to Determine the Organic Matter in Soils
Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2020
11 Pages Posted: 24 Nov 2020
Z. Akbay Arama
Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa
Hazal Berrak Gençdal
Istanbul Kultur University
Date Written: November 12, 2020
The organic soils are considered to be problematic soil based on the viewpoint of geotechnical engineering discipline depending on their tendency to high compressibility. Depending on the low shear strength characteristics of organic soils, the projects that are constructed on the soil formations which include organic content greater than %20, have to be controlled in terms of long term behaviour to ensure sustainable usage. Therefore, it is a significant phenomenon to determine the organic content of the soil mass that is dominated in the construction field of the envisaged project. Within the context of the study, the instructions which are defined in “ASTM D2974-Standard Test Methods for Moisture, Ash, and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils” is applied to the special soils which are obtained from 21 different test pits opened in Istanbul Province, Arnavutkoy district, Tayakadin localization. It is aimed to search for the effects of the usage of different drying temperatures on the determined amount of organic matter contents of soil masses. Within this purpose, the C and D subdivisions of ASTM D2974, which are suggested to apply 440 and 750°C drying temperatures, respectively, are applied to identify the organic matter content of foreseen soil types. Consequently, interpretations are made to specialize the appropriateness of the application of high drying temperatures on soils and the effective rates of drying temperatures on the determination of organic content of soils.
Keywords: Water Content Determination, Organic Matter Content, Soil, Drying Temperature, Physical test
Suggested Citation:
Akbay Arama, Zulal and Gençdal, Hazal Berrak, The Usage of Different Drying Temperatures to Determine the Organic Matter in Soils (November 12, 2020). Global Journal in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2020, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3734200
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Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3734200
Effect of Pulverized Glass Powder on Compressive Strength of Revibrated Concrete
Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2020
11 Pages Posted: 18 Feb 2021 Last revised: 7 Jul 2021
Samuel Auta
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructures, Process Engineering and Technology, Federal University of Technology (FUTMinna)
Abdulrahman Abdullahi
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructures, Process Engineering and Technology, Federal University of Technology (FUTMinna)
Date Written: November 13, 2020
Experimental study on the Effect of pulverized glass powder (PGP) on the compressive strength of revibrated concrete is presented. A concrete mix of 1:2:4 was used to prepare a total of forty-eight fresh concrete cubes specimen: sixteen for control with 0% PGP; thirty-two cubes for the different percentages of OPC replacements (10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% PGP). Each set of fresh concrete cubes were subjected to initial vibration and then re-vibrated at an interval of 10 minutes successions up to 1 hour. The compressive strength was determined at 7 and 28-day curing age for each concrete cube. The results show that maximum compressive strength were best achieved in three categories: 21.39 N/mm2 for nonrevibrated; 23.64 N/mm2 and 18.34N/mm2 for 0% and 20% PGP revibrated concrete respectively. It is concluded that pulverized glass can be blended with cement up to 20% PGP to achieve a substantial compressive strength of revibrated concrete.
Keywords: Pulverised glass powder, revibrated concrete, compressive strength, cement, percentage replacements
Suggested Citation:
Auta, Samuel and Abdullahi, Abdulrahman, Effect of Pulverized Glass Powder on the Compressive Strength of Revibrated Concrete (November 13, 2020). Global Journal in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2020, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3759494
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Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3759494
Properties of Plain Cement Concrete by Incorporating Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) and Marble Powder
Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2020
8 Pages Posted: 24 Nov 2020 Last revised: 5 Jan 2021
Abdul Jalil Khan
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Liaqat Ali Qureshi
University of Engineering & Technology (Taxila)
Muhammad Nasir Ayaz Khan
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Yasir Rasheed
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Luqman Ali
National University of Science & Technology
Sardar Faisal Abbas
HITEC University Taxila Cantt
Date Written: November 11, 2020
This research aims to enhance the properties of concrete by incorporating innovative material and locally available cementitious waste materials. In this study, innovative material Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) @ 0.025% as well 5% marble powder by weight of cement has been incorporated in concrete to study its fresh properties, compressive strength and microstructural properties. A total of 42 specimens for 7 numbers of different proportions were cast. The water-cement ratio of 0.45 was kept constant throughout the research. Compressive strength was noted at 7 days and 28 days curing through the compression testing machine. It was observed that the highest strength was noted for mix having 0.20% of MWCNTs and lowest was noted for control specimen having no MWCNTs and marble powder. The flow of concrete tends to increase by incorporating MWCNTs. The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis confirms the formation of C-S-H gel in mixes having MWCNTs. The formation of bridge layers was also visible in mixes having MWCNTs and marble powder. This study recommends using 0.20% of MWCNTs and 5% marble powder to achieve superior properties of concrete.
Keywords: Concrete, multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), Cement, scanning electron microscope (SEM), Compressive strength
Suggested Citation:
Khan, Abdul Jalil and Qureshi, Liaqat Ali and Ayaz Khan, Muhammad Nasir and Rasheed, Yasir and Ali, Luqman and Abbas, Sardar Faisal, Properties of Plain Cement Concrete by Incorporating Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) and Marble Powder (November 11, 2020). Global Journal in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2020, Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2020, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3734250
To Download the full paper:
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3734250
Issue 1-Vol 5
Effect of Molarity on Development of Fly Ash Based Geopolymer High Performance Concrete
Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2023
7 Pages Posted: 31 December 2023
Ram Chatorikar
Government College of Engineering, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar,
Maharashtra, India.
chatorikar.ram@gmail.comSanjay Jamkar
Government College of Engineering, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar,
Maharashtra, India.
ssjamkar@yahoo.coDate Written: December 14, 2023
This paper evaluates the effect for molarity of alkaline solution on development of Geopolymer High Performance Concrete (GHPC). The important parameters like alkaline/binder ratio (AL/B), molarity of alkaline solution, curing temperature and fineness of binder plays an important role in the development of GHPC. Alkaline binder solutions like Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Silicate were used in present investigation. Molarity of alkaline solution of Sodium Hydroxide was varied from M10, M12, M14 and M16. Alkaline binder ratio was considered as 0.35 and processed fly ash (FA) as a binder was used for development of GHPC in the present investigation and tested for compressive strength after 3 hours, 8 hours and 24 hours oven heat curing period. Oven heat curing temperature was maintained at 90˚C. It was observed that as the molarity of alkaline solution increases, compressive strength of cured geopolymer samples also increases moderately but workability of fresh geopolymer concrete mixes reduced from molarity M14 to M16.
Keywords: Geopolymer High Performance Concrete, molarity, fly ash, oven heat curing, compressive strength
Suggested Citation:
Ram Chatorikar, R. C., & Jamkar, S. (2023). EFFECT OF MOLARITY ON DEVELOPMENT OF FLY ASH BASED GEOPOLYMER HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE. In Global Journal in Civil Engineering (Vol. 1, Number 5, p. 1). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10446643
To Download the full paper:
Available at Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10446643
Preview of Structural Design Parameters for Flyover Underincreasing Spatial Contraints
Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2023
16 Pages Posted: 31 December 2023
Ramchandani Jaya Rajkumar
MGM University,Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, Maharashtra –431003
Suddhasheel Ghosh
MGM University,Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, Maharashtra –431003
sghosh@mgmu.ac.inDate Written: December 14, 2023
Structural optimization considering twoobjectives simultaneously would generate a set of optimal solutions, which is called a Pareto set, instead of a unique optimal solution and thus may not satisfy the requirements of designers. This paper focuses on proposing a comprehensive criterion to weight each objective and thus convert multi-objective optimization problems to single-objective optimization problems.In recent decades, the failure of bridges during service, as well as new construction has increased with an average of 129 bridges per year during the decade 2007–2017. The average age of the bridges is 34.53 years at failure during service against the prescribed design life of 100 years. The average age of failure of bridges in India is relatively high compared to failures in China (23.60 years) and much lower compared to failures in the USA (at least 51.70 years). Thus considering the local technical issues of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar are considered and based on that a general framework is tried to prepare. In this paper, the factors affecting the design of the flyover are identified. Further they are classified as dependent and independent parameters and the bounds of independent parameters are identified based on the manual design of the flyover.Keywords: Structural optimization,optimal solutions, Multi-objective optimization, Pareto set.
Suggested Citation:
Ramchandani, J. R., & Ghosh, S. (2023). PREVIEW OF STRUCTURAL DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR FLYOVERS UNDER INCREASING SPATIAL CONSTRAINTS. In Global Journal in Civil Engineering (Vol. 1, Number 5). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10447102
To Download the full paper:
Available at Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10447102
Partial Replacement of Cement with Marble Dust Powder, Fine Aggregate with Copper Slag, and Coarse Aggregate with Recycled Aggregate in Concrete
Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2023
12 Pages Posted: 31 December 2023
Sanjay Yadav
Chandigarh University, Punjab, India
yadavsanjay160598@gmail.comShalika Mehta
Chandigarh University, Punjab, India
Shalika.e1976@cumail.comDate Written: December 14, 2023
Construction companies generate non-biodegradable waste that harms the environment. However, incorporating this waste into concrete can support sustainable and eco-friendly construction practices. The present investigations study the partial replacement of binder materials such as cement with marble dust powder (MDP), fine aggregate with copper slag (CPS), and coarse aggregate with recycled aggregate concrete (RAC), when substituted for coarse aggregate, to analyze concrete mechanical properties. A constant percentage of marble dust powder was added to replace the binder material (cement). Additionally, copper slag replaced 10%, 20%, and 30% of the fine aggregate, and recycled aggregate replaced 10%, 20%, and 30% of the coarse aggregate. According to the M-30 standard, Specimens' compressive, tensile, and flexural strengths were evaluated for (7, 14, & 28) days after cure, respectively. These additives can improve concrete's mechanical characteristics. Thus, these materials have the potential to serve as alternatives to conventional construction materials through partial replacementKeywords: Concrete, Marble Dust Powder, Copper Slag, Recycled Aggregate, and strength.
Suggested Citation:
Yadav, S., & Mehta, S. (2023). PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF CEMENT WITH MARBLE DUST POWDER, FINE AGGREGATE WITH COPPER SLAG, AND COARSE AGGREGATE WITH RECYCLED AGGREGATE IN CONCRETE. In Global Journal in Civil Engineering (Vol. 1, Number 5). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10447155
To Download the full paper:
Available at Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10447155
Comparative Evaluation of Statistical Methods for Mapping Debris Flow Suscetiobility in Himalayas, India
Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2023
13 Pages Posted: 31 December 2023
Ankit Kumar
Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi - 110042, India
Raju Sarkar
Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi - 110042, India
rajusarkar@dce.ac.inDate Written: December 14, 2023
Comparing maps from different statistical models or approaches is important for geo-environmental uses. This paper uses various models to compare debris flow susceptibility maps of the same area. The frequency of debris flow in hilly regions requires future developmental planning and study. A crucial step in studying debris flow is weighing the factors causing it. This paper compares different weighting procedures for debris flow susceptibility mapping through map evaluation. The evaluation has been done through frequency ratio and Shannon entropy statistical models. According to the difference image analysis, there is a complete matching (i.e., no difference) of roughly 86.61% of the total pixels between the two debris flow susceptibility maps. It is possible to interchange frequency ratio and
Shannon entropy models based on their similar image analysis values.Keywords: Debris flow susceptibility zonation; Comparative evaluation; Difference image analysis
Suggested Citation:
Kumar, A., & Sarkar, R. (2023). COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF STATISTICAL METHODS FOR MAPPING DEBRIS FLOW SUSCEPTIBILITY IN HIMALAYAS, INDIA. In Global Journal in Civil Engineering (Vol. 1, Number 5). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10447230
To Download the full paper:
Available at Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10447230
Static and Seismic Effect of Constructing a New Tunnel Vertically Above an Existing Tunnel: A Comparative Study
Global Virtual Conference in Civil Engineering (GVCCE) 2023
9 Pages Posted: 31 December 2023
Sumee Tabassum Amin
Department of Civil Engineering, JMI, New Delhi
S.M. AbbasDepartment of Civil Engineering, JMI, New Delhi
Altaf Usmani3 DGM, ETDD, EIL, New Delhi
Date Written: December 14, 2023
The necessity for underground tunnels is of paramount importance in today's advancing world ofdevelopment and transportation. Construction of twin tunnels have gained momentum due to their optimal utilization of underground space and enhanced structural stability. Particularly in earthquake prone regions, the seismic vulnerability of such subterranean structures is a significant issue. This research studies the impact of constructing a new tunnel vertically above an existing one, by increasing the vertical spacing under both static and seismic conditions. A 2D plane strain model is designed using Mohr-Coulomb criteria in Midas GTS NX software. The seismic simulation is performed using the Loma Preita earthquake in the horizontal direction. For this study, SeismoMatch generates response spectracompatible time history data for Delhi soil. The responses generated within the existing tunnel are compared before and after the construction of the new tunnel, in the form of lining forces and ground settlement contours for static and seismic cases. The findings indicate that due to construction of a new tunnel, lining forces decrease in the existing tunnel. In static analysis, forces such as axial force, bending moment and shear force however increase with greater spacing. Similar trend is observed in seismic analysis, where these forces are greater in single tunnel than in twin tunnel. This can be attributed to the vertical position and spacing of the new tunnel which aids in load sharing mechanism between the two tunnels. This phenomenon plays a pivotal role in the static and dynamic stability of the twin tunnel system.Keywords: Debris flow susceptibility zonation; Comparative evaluation; Difference image analysis
Suggested Citation:
Amin, S. T., & Abbas, S. M. (2023). STATIC AND SEISMIC EFFECT OF CONSTRUCTING A NEW TUNNEL VERTICALLY ABOVE AN EXISTING TUNNEL: A COMPARATIVE STUDY. In Global Journal in Civil Engineering (Vol. 1, Number 5). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10447189
To Download the full paper:
Available at Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10447189
Issue 1-Vol 6
Valorisation of Human Organic Waste for Sustainable Domestic Biogas and Fertilizer Synthesis
96 Pages Posted: 02 January 2024
Unaro Yauo
School of Civil Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Mirzi BetasoloSchool of Civil Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Date Written: November, 2021
This study proposed and discussed various “domestic” onsite sanitation (OSS) designs that incorporate anaerobic digestion (AD) process to produce biogas and organic solid fertilizer whilst treating human excreta. The prototype OSS AD Toilet was designed, developed and trialled in the field. Prior to designing the OSS ADT facility, fresh human excreta from 10 test persons between the age range 18 – 29 years were sampled using sampling buckets and analysed to obtain data for mean faecal mass and physico-chemical composition. Median faeces generated was 250 g/cap/day wet mass and 62 g/cap/day dry mass, as well as high solid contents i.e. TS (49 g/cap/day) and VS (91% of TS i.e. 44.59 g/cap/day). Mean value for COD determined was 68 g/cap/day, while the mean nitrogen value from faeces was 1.2 g/cap/day and that of urine was 7 g/cap/day. Residual organic fertilizer deduced was 22g/cap/day. Water boiling test showed that biogas concentration is higher in purified biogas (90 ± 1.53 %) than in raw biogas (68 ± 2.52 %). Cooking time and calorific value of biogas investigated using 1L of water was 6.54 ± 0.04 and 5.45 ± 0.02 for raw and purified gas respectively. Refrigerant reciprocating compressor reduced the biogas volume by a factor of 4.0 with an absolute pressure of 5 bars in total of approximately 12 minutes. This study explored that OSS ADTS is an innovative and most preferable treatment approach for human waste management in rural and peri-urban areas in Papua New Guinea and can be replicated in other places with similar setting and conditions, fostering benefits in the light of Sustainable Development.Keywords: human organic waste, sustainble domestic biogas, fertilizer synthesis, domestic onsite sanitation, human waste management, sustainable development
Suggested Citation:
Yauo, U., & Betasolo, M. (2024). Valorisation of Human Organic Waste for Sustainable Domestic Biogas and Fertilizer Synthesis [Zenodo]. In Global Journal in Civil Engineering (Vol. 6, Number 1, p. 1). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10451314
To Download the full paper:
Available at Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10451314
Sustainable Rainwater Harvesting System in Lae City, A Model for Papua New Guinea
190 Pages Posted: 02 January 2024
Carl Anthony Smith
School of Civil Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Mirzi BetasoloSchool of Civil Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Date Written: January, 2016
The Sustainable Rainwater Harvesting System (SRHS) is a strategy to harvest rainwater and use the resource sustainably to support the need for water supply in the Papua New Guinea University of Technology (PNG). Lae City is the Garden City of PNG attributed to its significant rainfall. The vast resource of rainfall, at the moment is not fully harnessed, to support the need for water supply to the population today and the future. The methodology to a SRHS covers four phases. Phase 1 covers the assessment of parameters about rainwater harvestings: such as regulations, catchment location including its topography, and rainfall availability. Phase II, deals with Design of the SRHS facility that is non-energy intensive. Phase III discusses how to maintain and managed a SRHS. Phase IV- is the prototype of the facility. A prototype is a scaled visual presentation of the project study. It will also serve as a basis for funding proposal presentations. The study found that the feasibility of the project requires an attributed characteristic of a rainforest to harness rainwater supply as accounted for by the hydrologic cycle. The location chosen is adjacent to the Rainforest Habitat on the Papua New Guinea University of Technology campus. The facility will also support on providing groundwater surcharged. The study provides a framework that will support sustainable rainwater harvesting in the country based on SRHS model. The project will serve as a model to a sustainable rainwater harvesting systems as a viable alternative in harnessing natural resource (water) of the country.Keywords: bioremediation, sewage pond, sewage pond rehabilitation, sustainability of sewage pond project, environmental impact
Suggested Citation:
Smith, C., & Betasolo, M. (2024). SUSTAINABLE RAINWATER HARVESTING SYSTEM IN LAE CITY, A MODEL FOR PAPUA NEW GUINEA [Zenodo]. In Global Journal in Civil Engineering (Vol. 6, Number 1, p. 1). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10450251
To Download the full paper:
Available at Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10450251
Assessment of a 49 Year Old Sewage Pond for Rehabilitation through Bioremediation
59 Pages Posted: 02 January 2024
Charles Feriwok
School of Civil Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Mirzi BetasoloSchool of Civil Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Date Written: March 30, 2022
The study evaluates the effects of plant species in the sewage pond area. The research design employed statistics and primary data for the findings. The data were collected using qualitative and quantitative instruments, which focused on actual transect data, survey questionnaires and field observations. The primary data were processed using spreadsheets on MS Excel and MS Word as well as SPSS software. The research evaluated environmental hazards to the nearby communities, the effect of overflow, contaminated stream, soil, air and heavy metals uptake by plants as the risk to surrounding livelihood and lifestyle, and the effect of plants, behaviours and perceptions. The plant abilities evaluation was based on leaf and stem evaluation impact. The research into sewage ponds shows that plants do neutralize heavy metals after the effluent pond is a priority and needs attention for the sustainability of the pond project development in Unitech is required. A study into the sewage impact reveals that pond input, environmental impact, social impact and economic impact of sewage ponds are classified as a priority and need attention. The evaluation shows that plants benefit from both affluence and soil. The research reveals the likelihood that farmers using nearby land may have received the sewage pond effluent into the food chain. The study into sewage assessment perception, views and reaction show the community grievances and complaints generated by the effects of lack of pond maintenance. The research recommends broader pond maintenance, institution consultation and participation in rehabilitation project development.Keywords: bioremediation, sewage pond, sewage pond rehabilitation, sustainability of sewage pond project, environmental impact
Suggested Citation:
Feriwok, C., & Betasolo, M. (2024). Assessment of a 49 Year Old Sewage Pond for Rehabilitation through Bioremediation [Zenodo]. In Global Journal in Civil Engineering (Vol. 6, Number 1, p. 1). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10450722
To Download the full paper:
Available at Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10450722
Structural Health Assessment of Steel Girder Bridge: A Case of Butibam and Bumbu Bridge in Lae City
156 Pages Posted: 02 January 2024
Grace McCoy Wantepe
School of Civil Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Mirzi BetasoloSchool of Civil Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Date Written: November 15, 2021
Bridge inspection and condition assessment is an essential element in any Bridge Management System (BMS) particularly for aged and deteriorated bridges, and a path way to condition rating. Majority of the bridges in Lae City and Papua New Guinea (PNG) have exceeded their design lives and are at risk of collapse according to one of the Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report, Cardno Emerging Markets (Australia) Pty Ltd, in 2011. Almost about 152 bridges were inspected along the nominated five priority national roads in PNG. This indicates that effective bridges condition assessment and management is of crucial importance to maintain bridges in a sufficient condition and preserve them from deteriorating. A major part is bridge condition rating and simulation, which is an important aspect in their service lives to forecast bridge durability and their need for repair and maintenance. In this pilot study, three levels of bridge inspection and condition assessment forms for steel girder bridge have been developed for Bumbu and Butibam Bridge of Lae City in the Morobe Province of PNG. The bridge evaluation and condition assessment emanate from visually recorded inspection data specifically on the two bridges. There are three main important factors considered in the evaluation of bridge element structural index condition assessment. They are structural importance, material vulnerability, and casual factors such as road class, age, environment and inspection. These parameters were adopted and incorporated for a more holism and objectivity to the current approaches. The casual factors are implemented as a coefficient to the overall structural index, which illustrates the capability of the developed forms. Moreover, the results obtained from the developed forms and stress analysis and displacements on bridge model using solid works complements the results. Additionally, the forms developed and applied including simulation results has been used to evaluate the current stage of the steel girder bridges of Bumbu and Butibam of Lae City.Keywords: structural health, steel Girder bridge, bridge inspection, bridge condition assessment, bridge management
Suggested Citation:
Wantepe, G. M., & Betasolo, M. (2024). Structural Health Assessment of Steel Girder Bridge: A Case Study of Butibam and Bumbu Bridge in Lae City [Zenodo]. In Global Journal in Civil Engineering (Vol. 6, Number 1, p. 1). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10450865
To Download the full paper:
Available at Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10450865
Phytoremediation Characteristics: Tailing Waste Rehabilitation at OK TEDI Mining Limited, Western Province Papua New Guinea
83 Pages Posted: 02 January 2024
Nathaniel Dasyal
School of Civil Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Mirzi BetasoloSchool of Civil Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Date Written: November 15, 2021
In recent years, researchers and engineers have begun to develop low-cost technologies and mechanisms, such as purifying contaminated areas with microorganisms / biomass and live plants. Of these, phytoremediation mechanisms are emerging and are promising green mechanisms that can be used to remediate heavy metal contaminated soils through various means such as phytoremediation, phytostablisation, phytovolatilization and rhizofiltration. Decontamination of contaminants warrant various choices and strategies in phytoremediation, and include soil properties, heavy metal levels and characteristics, plant species, and climate. Heavy metals like Cd, Pb, Hg, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cr, and Co are non-essential metals. Many of them are highly toxic both in elemental and soluble salt forms. The phytoremediation mechanisms that were used in this study were phytoextraction, phytostabilisation and phytomobilization (phytoaccumulation); as these are cost effective, and have aesthetic advantages and long-term applicability. Certain species of plants especially; shrubs, primary trees, secondary trees, weeds and grasses were studied because of their tolerance for high heavy metal levels in trials with tailing dumps in OK Tedi, in Papua New Guinea (PNG).The challenge in the study was aimed at investigating plant species that have phytoremedial characteristics by possessing the attributes of exceptionally high metal- accumulating capacity or are hyper accumulators, having roots possessing unique and selective capability to absorb, have entire structures that can translocate bio accumulate and degrade the heavy metals, plants according to evidence have large above ground biomass and also possess extensive shallow rooting systems andhaving the ability to take up both essential and non-essential heavy metals. This study revealed that several plant species such as white clover and typha can withstand heavy metal concentration whilst other species tend to decline over time. The investigation indicated high mortality rates from homalantus, kikuyu, trema and lupin, compared with struggle and survival rates demonstrated by Typha, White Clover and Tephrosia in the high concentrated tailing stored divans. Heavy metals that were not too concentrated were zinc, copper and cadmium, whilst lead and nickel were highly concentrated, and so plants did not seem to tolerate their presence in large quantities. The main factors that influenced morphology of plant species were plant spacing and growth medium, tailings chemistry in terms of different interactions and reactions due to their different characteristics and concentration levels, weather conditions through wet and dry patterns and periods along with the plants natural ability to acclimatize.
Keywords: phytoremediation, tailing waste, mining rehabilitation, OK Tedi Mining Limited, mining waste, environmental
Suggested Citation:
Dasyal, N., & Betasolo, M. (2024). PHYTOREMEDIATION CHARACTERISITICS: TAILING WASTE REHABILITATION AT OK TEDI MINING LIMITED, WESTERN PROVINCE PAPUA NEW GUINEA [Zenodo]. In Global Journal in Civil Engineering (Vol. 6, Number 1, p. 1). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10450863
To Download the full paper:
Available at Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10450863
Editorial Board
(To make your publication possible.)
Editor in Chief
Dr. Alak Kumar Patra, FIE, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Papua New Guinea
Dr. Mirzi Llego-Betasolo, Ph.D TM, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Papua New Guinea
Dr. Daniel D. Dasig, Jr., Ph.D, FRIRes, FRICompE, University of Makati, Philippines
Prof. Daniel Ugih Echoh, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Prof. Sandeep Prusty, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India
Prof. Ronald L. Orale, Ph.D. TM, Samar State University, Philippines
Dr. Albert Uchena Ude, Ph.D., Botswana International University of Science & Technology (BIUST) Botswana
Dr. Joseph T. Foley, Ph.D., Reykjavik University, Iceland
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Title: Global Journal of Civil Engineering
ISSN electronic edition: 2523-9597
Frequency: annual
Date created: 2017
Publisher: School of Civil Engineering, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
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Virtual Conference - December 19-20 2024
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Full paper submission is on 30 November 2024
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